In-Person Bouncer Training

PrevAugust 2014Next

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Online Bouncer Training - Open 24/7

Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.

ED Publications Exotic Dancer Conference and Tradeshow

08-17-14, 08-18-14, 08-19-14, and 08-20-14

Other Locations

The ED Show is the largest Gentleman's Club Industry tradeshow and convention in the country. This show is full of educational sessions for all types of employees in this industry and the tradeshow floor has everything you can imagine.

This year we will be providing two separate education sessions, both held on Monday, August 18th.

The first session will be from Noon to 1pm and titled Diffuse It!. This session will discuss the increase in violent acts in and around our clubs as well as methods to proactively spot, prevent and eliminate violent incidents. Other discussion points will include training staff members, handling & documenting incidents and what are the options when a guest produces a weapon.

The second session will follow the first and be provided from 1pm to 2pm. The title is Meet & Greet. This is a team training session and will be conducted with David Boehm of Club Consultant Pro 2.0. The session will give attendees great ideas to really create a welcome and friendly environment from the door to the stage and back to the door. This is session that will focus on the FIRST IMPRESSION.

And don't forget to stop by Booth Number 17 and see Robert C. Smith of Nightclub Security Consultants in person. They will be offering great educational specials at the booth along with some other great product specials.

This is a great show. For more information check See you there.