Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.
Los Angeles, California PSO Training Session
09-30-13, 10-01-13, and 10-02-13
Other Locations
Proprietary Private Security Officer or PSO Training
California law now mandates that every person working as an In House Security Guard must attend a state approved training program consisting of 16 hours of job specific training AND also register with the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs.
Our program is the first state approved licensing program available. This training and licensing IS NOT the guard card and will create a valuable liability cushion for every owner, manager and in house security guard or Bouncer.
AKBAR, 4356 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca., 90013
$100.00 dollars for 1-4 attendees
$90.00 dollars for 5-9 attendees
$80.00 dollars for 10 or more attendees
$120 dollars for 1-4 attendees
$110 dollars for 5-9 attendees
$100 dollars for 10 + attendees
Email the number of employees and your bar/club name to [email protected] OR Call Nightclub Security Consultants at (619) 880-7NSC or (619) 880-7672. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE FOR ATTENDANCE AT THIS TRAINING SESSION
- All three days must be completed to meet 16-hour state mandate.
- All attendees will received an approved State of California Certificate of Completion.
- All attendees will received all necessary State of California registration paperwork to assistance with remaining state registration.
For additional information on this California PSO Licensing training, call Nightclub Security Consultants at (619) 880-7NSC or (619) 880-7672.