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Liability Documentation Forms
Documenting small and large incidents is sometimes a tiring and forgotten task. However, if completed as part of a routine, the small and sometimes large reports can help the insurance company and attorney's to deal with the incident months or years down the road. It is critical to protecting your business and livelihood.
Our trademarked, fill in the blank forms can help any employee, new or old, keep track of the smallest of incidents. Some examples of forms available are:
- Daily Safety Checklist will show a pattern of screening the important safety points as part of the opening routine for the guards. Checking the lighting, the exits, the fire extinguisher and more can show your venue was prepared in the event of a disaster.
- Refusing Entry Form can show that the staff can identify potential problems before they ever enter the club or bar. From dress code to over intoxication, this form will help speed up the simple and important task of documenting when someone is turned away at the door.
These forms are currently not available to the general public. Please continue to check back.