Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.
California PSO Training - Non GQA and Non F&B Members
04-28-13, 04-29-13, and 04-30-13
San Diego, CA
Proprietary Private Security Officer or PSO Training
As of January 1, 2011, the State of California mandated that all In House Security Guards receive 16 hours of job specific training. Don't make the mistake of accepting a generic training program that covers non job specific topics that could later place your operation at great risk. Our training program is consistently rated as the most desirable for In House Guards and has been used across the country for over 14 years. Our California PSO training program was the first and our license number is P-00001.
Gaslamp Marriott, 8th Floor, Downtown San Diego CA.
All Non-GQA and Non-Food and Beverage Member Attendees - $130.00 dollars per head.
Any venue sending 5 or more attendees will receive the group discounted rate of $100 dollars per person. And and venue sending 10 or more will receive the group discount rate of $90 dollars per person.
Additional pricing options may also be applied.
This course is offered Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, April 28, 29 & 30 from noon to 530pm. All sessions must be completed to meet 16 hour state mandate.
You must call (619) 880-7NSC or (619) 880-7672 to confirm attendance.