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California PSO Licensing Training | San Diego, CA
01-29-18, 01-30-18, and 01-31-18
San Diego, CA
California Proprietary Private Security Officer or PSO Training - "The New Guard Card".
To be truly protected from both civil and criminal penalties, you need the California PSO Training. The penalty carries a fine of up to $5,000.00.
We are the first company in the state to be licensed (BSIS Lic No. P-00001) to teach the new PSO curriculum and our training program is the ONLY totally Hospitality Industry specific training program available.
Our San Diego clients include; barleymash, Music Box, Parq Nightclub, Altitude Sky Bar, Florent, True North, Tavern at the Beach, Vin De Syrah, Firehouse, Whiskey Girl, Sandbar, Double Deuce, The Field, and many more…
3 Consecutive days
DATES: January 29th, 30th, & 31st
TIMES: 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM each day
ALL sessions MUST be completed to meet the 16-hour state requirement.
Attendees will receive a State of California approved Certificate of Completion.
The Observatory North Park
The Observatory North Park
2891 University Ave
theater entrance on 29th Ave
San Diego, CA 92104
Enter any necessary promotional code in top section of ticket window.
All three days must be completed to meet 16-hour state mandate. All attendees will receive an approved State of California Certificate of Completion. All attendees will receive all necessary State of California registration paperwork to assistance with remaining state registration.
For additional information about the NSC California PSO Licensing Training Program, contact Manny at (619) 880-7NSC or (619) 880-7672
“California Guard Guide and FAQ – A quick guide for bar and nightclub guards and operators.”