Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.
Nightclub & Bar Show National HOST Security Certification
Other Locations
The Las Vegas Nightclub & Bar Show is the premier hospitality industry convention and tradeshow in the country. There are educational seminars for every club or bar employee and every management position. The sessions provide unmatched information for large and small operators in every type of licensed venue in every state. This year, we are offering our second National Security Certification training program!
Pre Show Security Workshop – Monday, March 7, 930am to 3pm
This Pre-Show Workshop is our National HOST Certification Program and if you’re from California, this workshop will also exceed the mandated California Licensing Training requirement for all California In House Security Guards or “Bouncers”. We will be presenting this Certification or Licensing program using our Hybrid Training format that will combine 12-hours of Pre-Show Online Training and then our 5-hour In Person Training at the 2016 N&B Show.
Owners, managers AND ALL Security Hosts from any state who want to receive a true National Certification. ALL In House Security Guards or “Bouncers” from California that must have the mandated state training. The official title for California bar and club security guards is Proprietary Security Officer or PSO. The PSO Card is the NEW GUARD CARD.
This workshop is an absolute MUST for those who want to obtain comprehensive, job specific security training for their bar or club employees. This certification and licensing training has been taught to over 3000 bar and club employees nationwide and this is the ONLY security training program endorsed by MULTIPLE national and international insurance carriers who offer premium discounts for our Certificates of Completion. The training topics for this workshop include;
- Guard Duties and Responsibilities
- Powers to Arrest and Citizen’s Detention
- Conflict Resolution and Legal Limits to Using Force
- Criminal, Civil and Administrative Liabilities
- Recognition of Fake and False Identification
- Recognition and Usage of Club Drugs & Narcotics
- Disaster and Terrorism Awareness
- Much, Much More
Employers or attendees can purchase a single ticket or multiple tickets for several employees.
All attendees who fully complete the Hybrid Training Program (Online and In Person Training) will receive their National HOST Certificate of Completion or their State of California PSO Certificate.
- COST -
$125 per person
The industry trade show is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 10AM to 5PM daily. This is the most expansive, go-to event for anyone looking for ANYTHING they need in this bar, pub, club, restaurant or other liquor licensed establishment.
Stop by BOOTH 215 to say “hello” and see exactly what we do.