In-Person Bouncer Training

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Alaska CHARR (Anchorage Region) National HOST Security Certification

04-20-16 and 04-22-16

Other Locations

Alaska CHARR is hosting a National Security Certification training program for all Anchorage area in house security guards or "Bouncers" at bars or clubs. This session will be taught by Robert C. Smith, the President of Nightclub Security Consultants.

** WHEN **

Tuesday and Wednesday, December 9 & 10 from 10am to 5pm each day. (BOTH days must be attended) There will be a 1 hour lunch break for attendees.

** WHERE **

1503 W. 31st Avenue, Suite 102, Anchorage, Alaska 99503


This training has been used nationally since 1998 and has taught, certified or licensed over 6000 in house security guards and managers. The training is totally job specific to the difficult and dangerous jobs of bouncers and the managers of clubs, bars or any other liquor licensed establishment. Topics include Powers to Arrest, Detention, Conflict Resolution, Use of Force, Alcohol Service Liabilities, Alcohol Service Rules and Regulations and much more.

Nightclub Security Consultants developed the first bouncer training program in the country in 1998 and has continually developed the training to be, not only the best in the country, but the most involved and the most accurate as it relates to the job of keeping a bar or club safe while also raising the individual guards standards.

This 12-hour National Security Certification Training Program has saved bars and clubs hundreds of thousands of dollars and lowered premise liability insurance premiums by thousands of dollars.


Alaska CHARR Members $75.00 dollars

Non Alaska CHARR Members $100.00 dollars


Contact Alaska CHARR at 907-274-8144 OR Toll Free in Alaska at 800-478-2427.