In-Person Bouncer Training

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San Diego County - Handcuffing Certification


San Diego, CA


Handcuffs are and should be considered a valuable tool for every bar or club security employee. However, many people are misinformed and worried about handcuffs and if they're even legal to use. Handcuffs, when used incorrectly can cause serious injury or even have deadly consequence. However, when employees are trained to properly use this simple and valuable tool, they can save trouble and even save lives. The key for anyone to use handcuffs smartly and correctly is "TRAINING".

We will be offering a 5-hour Handcuffing Certification class for any security guard, bouncer, manager or any other employee who may be asked to place handcuffs on a violent guest or even assist others in placing handcuffs on someone.

Eventbrite - San Diego-Gaslamp Area | Handcuffing Certification - San Diego County Dec 19th


This Handcuffing Certification course will be provided in 3 parts.

-Part 1 will be classroom style training and will cover important points surrounding Legal Limit's to Using Force, Citizen's Detention/Arrest, Detention Liabilities, Documentation of Handcuff Use and Typical Law Enforcement Responses. Finally, handcuffing application issues will also be discussed surrounding protecting guests who are handcuffed, simple medical considerations to applying handcuffing as well as handcuff and handcuff key styles.

-Part 2 will be the practical application of handcuffs by all attendees and will require all attendees place handcuffs on a training partner in a calm, learning setting. This will slowly progress into role play training with all attendees work in teams to place handcuffs on pretend passive resisting guests and pretend violent resisting guests.

-Part 3 will consist of a final test and issuing of certificates.

There is currently no state law regarding use of handcuffs. This course is not a state licensing course but instead, a course to help minimize potential problems surrounding the use of handcuffs.


This session will be offered on Thursday, December 19th from Noon to 5PM.


Gaslamp Marriott - 660 K Street, San Diego


Early Registration - Before December 9th $65.00 Dollars Per Person

Late Registration - After December 9th $75.00 Dollars Per Person


Eventbrite - San Diego-Gaslamp Area | Handcuffing Certification - San Diego County Dec 19th

For additional information on this California PSO Licensing training, call Nightclub Security Consultants at (619) 880-7NSC or (619) 880-7672.