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Ohio Licensed Beverage Association Conference
San Diego, CA
The Ohio Licensed Beverage Association (OLBA) has invited Robert C. Smith to provide a seminar at their annual conference being held in Columbus Ohio on September 17, 2012.
After speaking in March of this year at the Nightclub & Bar Show in Las Vegas, members of the OLBA Educational Committee approached Robert and asked him if he'd like to present a session at their member conference and he agreed.
Robert will present a very timely training session entitled; "Security Best Practices (How to Turn Your Bouncer Into A Host)". The session will cover many important topics for operators to help them change many of the current industry habits related to in house security, their hiring, their training and their use in bars and clubs. This session can immediately impact an owners operation and help them create a safer venue for guests and employees.
For any further information on this conference or training session please send an email to [email protected].