Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.
Anchorage National HOST Security Training
09-27-12 and 09-28-12
Other Locations
We will be providing our National HOST Security training session in Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday & Friday from 6PM to 10PM. Both 4-Hour Sessions Must Be Attended
The training will be provided and is sponsored by Chilkoot Charlies in Anchorage. The session will cover vital information that has been used to make operators and their staff open their minds regarding how they do their jobs. Training topics include; - Powers to Arrest & Detention - Alcohol Service Regulations - Alcohol Service Liabilities - Conflict Resolution and Force - Recommended Best Practices
The cost for this session is as follows;
- $60 dollars per person
We have trained over 5000 hospitality security guards, managers and other employees over the years using the HOST Security training program and helped operators lower their overall liquor liability.
For registration information contact us at [email protected] or call Doran Powell at Chilkoot Charlies at 907-903-2997.